Marius Reikeras, avocat norvegian, specialist în drepturile omului, a declarat în această seară pe facebook:
Marius Bodnariu is not allowed to see neither his two sons, nor his two daughters. He can only see the baby. But in reality, he is given no time with his baby.
Only Ruth is allowed to see her sons, but neither she is allowed to see her daughters.
And her time with her sons, is limited to only a few hours per month, and under strict public surveilance
The eldest daughter has written a letter, where she clearly expresses that she misses both her parents and her siblings. As well as the rest of her family.
The siblings are split in three different foster homes.
And they live on secret adresses. Not even the Romanian government knows where they are.
The letter from the daughter, was tried to be kept secret by the public officials,and was not presented when the case was dealt with in the County Board.
I have only have one way to express this:
This is crime against humanity.
Thank you for sharing.These atrocities must be made known to the world.”
Prezent la protestul care a avut loc la Washington pe 9 ian., în favoarea familiei Bodnariu, avocatul a declarat: „Membrii ai Parlamentului European vor investiga situația drepturilor omului în Norvegia și vor acorda o mai mare atenție modului în care Barnevernet acționează față de familiile de toate naționalitățile. Consider acest lucru a fi un progres major în lupta noastră comună împotriva încălcării drepturilor omului în Norvegia, și voi face tot ce-mi stă în putere pentru a aborda problemele în mod corect.”
Puteţi urmări un interviu cu Marius Reikeras pe News Net Creştin.
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